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How to Get an Open Work Visa in New Zealand?

Understanding the Open Work Visa

An Open Work Visa in New Zealand allows individuals to work for any employer in the country without needing a job offer beforehand. This visa is particularly appealing to those who wish to explore employment opportunities in New Zealand, as it provides the flexibility to change employers and job roles without the need for further visa applications.

How to Get an Open Work Visa in New Zealand

Eligibility Criteria for Open Work Visa New Zealand

Post-Study Work Visa (Open)

Graduates who have completed their studies in New Zealand can apply for a Post-Study Work Visa (Open). This visa grants recent graduates the ability to stay in New Zealand and search for employment relevant to their qualifications. To be eligible, applicants must:

  1. Hold an acceptable qualification: This typically includes bachelor's degrees, postgraduate diplomas, master's degrees, and doctorates from recognized New Zealand institutions.

  2. Apply within three months of the date of completion of their qualification or six months for doctoral graduates.

  3. Meet health and character requirements: Applicants must provide medical certificates and police clearances as part of their application.

Partnership-Based Work Visa

Individuals in a relationship with a New Zealand citizen or resident can apply for a Partnership-Based Work Visa. The primary requirements for this visa are:

  1. Genuine and stable relationship: Evidence such as joint bank accounts, joint tenancy agreements, and shared utility bills should be provided.

  2. Living together: Couples must demonstrate they have been living together in a genuine and stable relationship for a certain period.

  3. Supporting partner's eligibility: The New Zealand partner must prove their ability to support the applicant during their stay.

Application Process For Open Work Visa

Step 1: Gather Required Documents

To apply for an Open Work Visa in New Zealand, ensure you have all necessary documentation ready. This typically includes:

  • Valid passport: Ensure your passport is valid for at least three months beyond the date you plan to leave New Zealand.

  • Completed application form: Fill out the appropriate visa application form, which can be found on the New Zealand Immigration website.

  • Recent passport-sized photographs: Adhere to the specifications provided by Immigration New Zealand.

  • Evidence of funds: Proof that you can support yourself financially while in New Zealand. This could be bank statements or financial support letters.

  • Medical certificates: Depending on your country of origin, you may need to provide a chest X-ray and a general medical certificate.

  • Police clearance certificates: These are required to prove good character and must be obtained from every country you have lived in for 12 months or more in the last 10 years.

Step 2: Submit Your Application

Applications can be submitted online through the Immigration New Zealand website or by mail. Online applications are generally processed faster and allow for easier tracking of the application status.

Step 3: Pay the Application Fee

Ensure you pay the correct application fee, which can vary depending on the specific type of work visa and the applicant's country of origin. Payment can be made online using a credit card.

Step 4: Wait for Processing

Processing times can vary, but Immigration New Zealand provides estimated processing times on their website. During this period, they may request additional information or documents, so it is crucial to check your email regularly.

Step 5: Receive Your Visa

If your application is approved, you will receive your visa electronically. Print a copy and keep it with your passport. If you submitted a paper application, your passport will be returned with the visa label inside.

Employment Rights and Responsibilities

Holders of an Open Work Visa in New Zealand have the right to:

  • Work for any employer: There are no restrictions on the type of job or employer.

  • Study for up to three months: This can be useful for gaining additional qualifications or skills.

However, visa holders must also:

  • Comply with New Zealand employment laws: This includes minimum wage requirements, working hours, and health and safety regulations.

  • Abide by visa conditions: Ensure you do not breach any conditions of your visa, such as working in roles that require specific registration or certification if you do not hold the necessary qualifications.

Transitioning to Other Visas

Many Open Work Visa holders eventually transition to other visa types, such as:

Essential Skills Work Visa

To transition to an Essential Skills Work Visa, you must have a job offer in an occupation that is on the skill shortage list or provide evidence that there are no suitable New Zealanders available for the job.

Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa

If you have skills, qualifications, and experience in high demand in New Zealand, you can apply for the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa. This visa is based on a points system, where points are awarded for age, work experience, qualifications, and job offers.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I extend my Open Work Visa?

The Post-Study Work Visa (Open) is typically granted for one to three years, depending on your qualifications. Extensions are generally not possible, but you can transition to another visa type, such as an Essential Skills Work Visa or a Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa.

2. Can my partner and children join me in New Zealand?

Yes, your partner and dependent children can apply for visas based on their relationship with you. Partners can apply for a Partnership-Based Work Visa, and dependent children can apply for student or visitor visas.

3. What happens if I change my job?

One of the main advantages of an Open Work Visa is the flexibility it provides. You can change employers or job roles without needing to apply for a new visa. However, ensure that any new job complies with the conditions of your visa.


Securing an Open Work Visa in New Zealand is an excellent opportunity to explore diverse job opportunities and experience life in a beautiful, dynamic country. By understanding the eligibility criteria, gathering the necessary documents, and following the application process carefully, you can successfully obtain this visa and embark on an exciting new chapter in New Zealand. But Immigration process can be a daunting task. Immigration chambers can assist with visa applications by providing expert legal advice, helping to prepare and lodge applications, and representing clients in case of appeals or reviews. Get legal advice from our Licensed Immigration Advisers in Auckland now!

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